I Created a Minimalist Travel Course!

But first…

Hey there travelers!

I hope you’re all doing well, your travels leading you on exciting new adventures. My own travelling has slowed down quite a bit since I was last active on this blog. From averaging 16-20 cities a year, I’ve been living a relatively settled life for the past 24ish months or so.

The practical side of me has appreciated the more consistent routine that comes with staying in one place, using this opportunity to get focused on creative projects and deal with less exciting tasks that I, for want of a better word, “avoided” for a long time. I wonder if you can relate to that? 😛

One of those creative projects I mentioned is a book of poetry that I started in 2020, while living in a hotel in Berlin during lockdown (where else to start a book of poems :P). The themes include travel, homelessness, love, loss and adventure. Stay tuned for publication news!

Oh yes, my course!

Additionally, I’m stoked to announce the launch of my online education course, “The Minimalist Traveler: 20L One-Bag Extended Travel“. The idea was stewing inside me for a fair while, and without anchoring my feet in one place for this long, I’m not sure I’d have been focused enough to produce it.

Resting up a while, somewhere in Seoul

The course was largely inspired by friends commenting on my simple travel lifestyle, particularly the way I’ve travelled for long periods with very few belongings. If you’ve read my posts describing the evolution of my minimalist mindset and travel gear setup, you’ll know I went from travelling with a trolley case, to a 40L backpack, then to just a 20L backpack.

I wrote the course to inspire others to delve into the wonderful world of ultra-light travel, and show how such a bare-bones mindset can make travel simpler, freer and more enjoyable, but also inject more energy, clarity and appreciation into a person’s life.

As I admit in the course, 20L is quite ambitious, especially for those new to one-bag travel, and is partly intended as a prompt to get you curious and inspired. You can apply my philosophies, tips and tricks to any bag size, as long as the size you choose pushes you beyond your comfort zone. But hey, if you make it to 20L, even better. I might even work on a 20L Traveler Hall of Fame 🙂

So, what’s in the course?

The Minimalist Traveler: 20L One-Bag Extended Travel“, published on Teachable, takes you through the following curriculum:

– My Story: How and Why I Began 20L Travel
– Preparations: Setting Your Goals & Expectations

Minimalist Gear Principles
– Start With the Bag In Mind: Selecting the Perfect Bag
– Smart Gear Choices: Learning To Let Go

Packing Principles
– Compression Fundamentals: Tips and Tricks
– Deep Organisation: Fully Optimising & Securing Your 20L Space and Valuables

The 20L One Bag Philosophy Beyond Travel
– Imagining and living a life with less

Grab my killer tips & tricks

In each lesson I reveal optimisation tips and tricks that I developed over years of travel. Many of them are mentioned on this blog, but my course brings them together in one handy place. You also get visualisation and reflection exercises to help ease the process of letting go of non-essential belongings.

Call for help

I started this blog as a resource to support travellers, especially those on extended journeys when perpetual travel and not having a fixed home can lead to burn-out and depression. My course, The Minimalist Traveler: 20L One-Bag Extended Travel, is an extension of that mission by promoting ways to more easily managing long-term travel.

You can sign up for the course here.

Proceeds from the course will enable me to devote more time to creating new content for this blog to help long-term travelers. If you’d like to further support me in this mission, and you find my course helpful, please consider coming back here and leaving your feedback and suggestions for improvement, or as well, mention my course on your blog, this would really help spread the word. Thank you!

See you on the road,

Caffeine keeps this blog going!

Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

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